Is this what you look like when you’re binge watching Netflix?

Is this you when you’re sending emails, tweeting, or stalking, ooh I mean posting on Facebook?

Or maybe you're hunched over a cardio machine at the gym...wait...aren't we supposed to climb steps upright and not on all fours?

Read on…I’m going to tell you something that can help add years to your life and help you feel, move and look abso-freakin-lutely fabulous in minutes…no kidding!
I’m always ranting and raving about the importance of practicing good posture and awareness in "real life" and outside your fitness routine, as well as in your fitness routine, (but don’t get me started here about the very observable 9 out 10 peops that practice horrendous posture whilst moving their assets in the gym.) And if you’re not a client or student of mine, you may not have heard one of my famous rants yet, but you’ll sure read a plethora of them in my book, Move Your Assets: From the Chair, Not the Bank!)
For example:
Do you have a tough time getting out of bed in the morning? Do you creak, crawl, and kvetch getting in and out of the car, up and down from a chair or couch and simply avoid getting up and down off the floor?
I’m always warning my students about the complications of sitting in a poor posture for long periods of time on your couch, in your car, chair, or bed.
DUH! Your muscles are not meant to sit in poor posture for prolonged periods of time. That’s why you hurt more when you get out of your car than you do after a 30-minute walk!
I don’t care if you exercise for 2 hours a day, 7 days a week…you must be aware of your posture when you’re performing any task, even sitting.
The less awareness and strength you have carrying your own body around, the more difficult it will be to get up, especially as you age.
When you’re sitting, instead of using that time to practice poor posture, you can use it to practice good posture — and strengthen your core.
Here’s how to watch TV with good posture :

or this way:

Or even better:

I’ve written a lot of my book exactly like that — standing at my laptop.
Why Is This Important?
This is SO important because:
1. You’ll eliminate needless aches and pains in the neck, (sorry, I’m not referring to the one you’re married to, ha ha) back, knees, and assets by waking up dozing muscles that haven't seen the light of day in umpteen years. Probably since that nast cheerleading incident that set you back 37 years ago :(
2. You’ll look (even more) amazing and confident. Using your posture in the lovely manner that I am displaying (above) will do more for your “core” than doing 5099 crunches daily…no kidding! In fact, 9 out of 10 peops that I observe are crunching improperly which causes the “kangeroo pouch” to protrude and the girls (and chin) to drop toward the floor (yes “those” girls.)
3. You’ll be able to get up a lot more easily as you age and you won’t be trading in your G-d given body parts for a slow-moving motorized scooter. (Don’t get me started with those right now!)
And drum roll please…
4. You’ll lower your risk of falls, cognitve impairment, and death which are all pretty concerning to all of us nowadays, wouldn't you agree? Many more muscles are activated when you're NOT in hyperkyphotic (hunched over) posture so you are greatly improving your balance, blood flow to your brain, your heart, your lungs and it's much easier to breathe this way...AAHH!
Research shows that the ability to sit and rise from the floor with one hand or no hands was closely correlated with a lower risk of death from any cause. You can read more here and also the original study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology.
I am worried about you and want you to be able to get off the freakin’ toilet in your “oldster” (the opposite of youngster) years. And by the way, (Bethy Tangent) because your such a germaphobe you shouldn’t be sitting on a public toilet anyway you should be practicing your sqatty like there is no actual potty (remember when you were in Turkey and China and there was just a hole in the floor?) This will not only help keep you germ free but will help strengthen your assets (literally your “glutes”) as well as your thighs. And remember, stronger glutes means less work from your joints, especially you knees, hips and lower vertebrae.
And speaking of waking up those dozing glutes so your knees and hips don’t take the brunt of moves that really aren’t their job, here is one of my fav easy peasy moves that you can do right now. OY I’m not looking to fab, but that’s ok! When your inner asset queen want to spontaneously break out and move you just have to go with it…
So not only am I teaching you ways to feel and look so much better than you ever dreamed, but I’m also helping to add years to your life!
Bethanne Weiss B.S., is a Central Florida based posture and balance expert, motivational speaker, author, FUNIQ® Fitness Founder, ACE-Certified fitness and nutrition professional, and ACE-Certified behavior-change specialist with 35 years of moving assets from chairs and changing lives. Bethanne teaches Tiny Tweaks to your eats, your body, your brain, & your life that will have YOU moving, feeling, and looking amazing in less than 30 minutes…really! Schedule your FREE 15-minute consultation HERE