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Bethanne's Tiny Tweaks Give BIG Results!

YOU are the Queen or (King) of your JOYful journey and YOU have all the tools you need to live with more JOY and less OY! You just need a little FUNIQ® coaching to unlock YOUR amazing potential. Bethanne teaches Tiny Tweaks to your eats, your body, your brain, & your life that will have YOU moving, feeling, and looking amazing in less than 30 minutes…really!

Tiny Tweaks to Your Eats

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“I refuse to put shrubs, twigs, and powder in a blender and call it a meal and so should YOU!”

Luv, Bethanne

If you are looking for the latest and greatest multi-level marketing-miracle concoction, or deprivation diet du jour then you have come to the wrong place; leave now and don’t let the door hit you in the assets! It's time for more JOY in your eating and Bethanne is on a mission to teach you how to eat REAL food so you can ditch that pantry full of expensive potions and powders, and never hop on the diet rollercoaster again!


Learn more. 

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Eats more

At a Club FUNIQ® location, in your home or other place of your choosing, or online, Bethanne Weiss, B.S., ACE-Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist Will Teach You How To:

•  Make simple swaps and tiny tweaks that will take minutes to prepare and save you a gazillion calories and dollars…what Bethanne calls “healthy fast-food.”

•  Fill your plate with delicious nutrient-dense foods that improve brain function and fight hundreds of diseases including cancer, diabetes, and inflammation.

•  Whip up quick and delicious meals that are made with real food, loaded with nutrition and not with empty calories (aka crap).

•  Eat healthy most of the time so you can indulge in your Banana Dream Cake and your fine (or cheap) red wine every so often, without packing on the excess trunk junk.

•  Turn your food shopping experience into a fun asset-moving game; you will burn lots of extra calories, find the world’s healthiest foods, and save lots of time and money!

•  Make healthy foods taste SO good that you will NOT miss the (added) sugar and fat-laden crap.

•  Read a food label correctly!

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Tweak Your Moves

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Bethanne's Tiny Tweaks Produce HUGE results

Whether your goal is getting up and down off the floor with ease, preventing a fall, or taking a 60-day hiking tour of Italy FUNIQ® Total Body will get you fitter and healthier beyond your wildest dreams.  Beginner to advanced asset movers will be blown away by the almost immediate postural and cognitive transformational benefits of FUNIQ®.


Learn More.

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Bethanne's Tiny Tweaks Produce BIG results!

Bethanne knows how a 50ish year young woman’s body wants to feel, move, and look despite aches, ailments, hormonal issues and other OY.  As a 35 year American Council on Exercise (ACE) Certified Fitness & Nutrition Professional, API Certified Postural Ergonomist and someone who suffers from a life-long balance and dizziness disorder (among other ailments,) Bethanne integrates vestibular, balance, and brain training into her signature FUNIQ® Total Body program in a FUN & Unique way that no other fitness professional does. Bethanne’s philosophy is “you must use all your God-given body parts and move them sideways, backwards, up and down, and forwards, while lifting, pulling, pushing, punching, and combine many movements because that’s how life works! Awareness, rather than mindFULLness, of movement is the key to transforming your body and brain.”

FUNIQ® is incredible for ALL ages and fitness levels. 

“I’ve taken hundreds of classes, hired personal trainers, coaches and no one has helped me literally transform my body, my brain, my balance (my booty) and my life until I began moving my assets and Tiny Tweaking my lifestyle with Bethanne even at the ripe young age of 74 .”

– Mardi Shader, now 80 years young

•  Lose body fat while utilizing and transforming ALL your muscle groups (even your facial muscles) without using fancy “gym” equipment.


•  FUNIQ® Total Body classes are for all fitness levels from beginner to advanced.


•  Increase your stamina, strength, flexibility, and get rid of aches, ailments, and OY for good!


•  Learn posture and brain cues that will help you stand taller and greatly improve balance and cognition even after the first class.


•  Strengthen your heart, lungs, BRAIN, and all your organs.


•  Dramatically decrease stress and drastically increase energy.


•  Sleep better, feel better, love life


• Group/small group classes at a Club FUNIQ® location or at your place of choice, live or virtually.


Join a class or create your own!


Tweak Your Life

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“What’s next for me?”

If you have been asking yourself this question repeatedly, you are certainly NOT alone!  We all have a next chapter and Bethanne can help you write yours. Tiny Tweaks to your daily life not only change you physically, but emotionally, spiritually, and socially as well. Simple Tiny Tweaks to your eats and your moves will reshape your body and your brain getting you fit and healthy beyond your wildest dreams. Read more...

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Take the Virtues in Action Character Strengths survey for FREE to find your top strengths and let Bethanne help you utilize them.

Moves more
Life more

Tiny tweaks to your thoughts, your words, and your self-perception can add JOY and meaning like you’ve never experienced before. YOU have all the tools you need to live more JOYfully and less OYfully, you just need a little FUNIQ® Coaching to help you unlock YOUR amazing potential.


As an ACE-Certified Behavior Change Specialist and someone who walks the walk, Bethanne teaches Tiny Tweaks to your thoughts, words, and self-perception that will give you More JOY and purpose almost immediately. One of Bethanne’s favorite coaching tools is the VIA Character Strengths survey. It is an absolute life-changer and it’s FREE!  Just click on the link above to take the 20 minute survey & find your top strengths. Let Bethanne help you utilize them for More Joy and Less OY now!

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