Tiny Tweaks = Big Benefits
By pure observation, most of my fellow Americans consume SO much crapbut have convinced themselves they are eating healthy. Even a Consumer Reports’ survey says that 9 out of 10 Americans claim they eat healthy, yet are inflicted with a plethora of hypokinetic diseases including oodles of excess body fat. But it’s not all your fault! Food labels are actually “allowed” to mislead you with words like “healthy,” “natural,” and “organic.” Forgive me peops but organic candy is the epitome of an unhealthy oxymoron, isn’t it? Sometimes it’s a matter of just reading the ingredients list on the food label; and I’m pretty good at translating them into English for ya!
The Asset Queen has your back! I love to share healthy and easy recipes, simple swaps, and easy tweaks to get you off your tuchus (aka your fine, young assets) as well as help you cut down on the consumption of crap. Here’s a little crap-cutting wisdom, “not all cooking sprays are created equal.” Let moi’ elaborate:

You know that infamous can of cooking oil spray that saves hundreds of calories? Yes the one I’m holding in the above pic with my overly-dramatic look of wonderment. Well you will be traumatized, I mean dramatized, too when you read the ingredients. I understand that the chemicals used to propel the oil from the can and keep it from foaming are generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by the FDA, but, wait what??…silicone? I guess I really didn’t think much of it till my awesome licensed massage therapist, Tracy Sipe, informed me that she knows of people who spray this stuff directly on their food…Eww!
I’m all for saving hundreds of calories too. And at 120 calories per tablespoon for ANY oil (yes, even extra virgin olive) pouring directly from the bottle into the pan or onto the veggies is not a terrific option if you’re trying to cut down on the extra calories. Well guess what?…You have options! Option #1 is to make sure the only ingredient in that store bought can is the oil! The Bertolli olive oil, pictured here, has no other ingredient listed besides extra virgin olive oil. (Trader Joe’s has their own 100% pure Olive Oil spray as well). And there are 0 calories and the cost is not much more than the one with added propellents…Woo Hoo-gotta love that!!
Option #2 is to purchase your own self-pumping spray bottle like the gorgeous one I’m sporting below, recommended by the amazing LMT Tracy Sipe. The Misto oil spray bottle costs less than $10 ($8 at Bed, Bath & Beyond with your 20% off coupon). Fill it halfway with your oil 100% pure olive oil (or other healthy oil of choice that is safe to cook with) give the top a few pumps and presto… get cooking. Added bonus: you can use it over and over and don’t have to clog up the planet with lotza empty cans. Though I must admit that the disposable type is a bit more user friendly :).
Let me reiterate that the propellants and anti-foaming chemicals in these cans are generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by the FDA. However, most registered dieticians, licensed nutritionists, and ACE-certified fitness nutritionist specialists like moi’ will tell you to choose foods as close to G-d’s form as possible; what I like to call “single ingredient foods”. And THIS always holds true…the less ingredients listed, the better, and make sure that you recognize them! For example, I buy Quaker or store brand “old fashioned oats”. The only ingredient on the label is “whole grain rolled oats”. You should not need an interpreter to read your food label, but if you do, contact me HERE and I can help translate into English.
Luv, The Asset Queen 📷