…Downtown Stuart, Florida. Wait…WHAT? That’s The Claim On Their Website And I May Have To Agree.
I know you’re used to me blogging about eating healthyand moving assets, so you’re probably asking, “What the? Since when is The Asset Queen, a travel expert?” Well, I’m really not but once in a while I need to go off on a Bethy Tangent and write about something a bit different to inspire me to get out of my funk. Yes, Bethy gets into a funky little tizzy at times and the result is a fatigued, tongue-tied, cranky Asset Queen that needs a battery recharge…which is why the last blog post you read from me was in April :(. When my regular routine doesn’t seem to be cutting it, I have to take a step back and remind myself of the things that seem to pull me up by my (orthopedic) boot straps, get my creative juices flowing, and make me a sorta whole Bethy again. When you read on you’ll discover why this blog is not too out of the ordinary for moi’.
For as long as I can remember, one of my fav things to do EVER, was (is) to drive to a strange neighborhood (no, not “weird” strange, but “unfamiliar” strange) and move my assets to explore, decompress, and rejuvenate, whilst I admire the architecture, the foliage, the birds, the bees, and the numerous creepy crawlers; especially the latter when I lived in NYC…lots of human creepy crawlers! In my late teens (about 5 or 6 years ago LOL), I remember bringing my partner in crime, my (late) mommy Elaine to explore the uncharted depths of Cornwall-on-the-Hudson in upstate NY where we moved to, from NYC, when I was 17. So, a few days ago a decided to let go of the “have tos” and the “want tos” even just for the weekend, knowing that I’d be celebrating the Bar Mitzvah of our cousin Jacob from Friday through Sunday in Hobe Sound, adjacent to historic Downtown Stuart.
So my husband Jeffrey, his mom Harriet, and I took the 2 1/2 hour southeast drive on Friday afternoon from Orlando to Stuart. The moment my eyes met Downtown Stuart I felt a little pitter patter in my heart, or maybe it was my deep love for Jeffrey, or maybe I was just hungry? We were greeted by our amazing family at the (food to die for) Osceola Street Cafe. The vibe of this seaside town was just incredible and the company was quite awesome too. I immediately felt that I needed to further explore Stuart, uh not the person but the town.
My eyes must have lit up like a Christmas tree, Chanukah bush, when Jacob’s amazing mom and true super woman, cousin Kim, told Jeffrey and me about the wonderful 4-mile hike via Stuart’s river walk, under bridges, over bridges, yada yada yada, I was SO sold. The mere thought of waking up early on Saturday morning, driving from our hotel to park in downtown Stuart for our journey got my creative juices flowing again; they had been pretty dried out for weeks. Or maybe I was just salivating because Jeff and I agreed to start with an early breakfast at the Osceola Street Cafe again. Did I mention that the food was awesome? Yummy hummus, eggplant salad, Chicken Milanese…all homemade and delicious. You already know from my previous posts, and from my book, that I eat REAL food and refuse to throw shrubs and twigs in a blender and call it a meal…Eeeww, G-d forbid!
Our journey through downtown Stuart began at around 8am Saturday. Luckily, there were no Bar Mitzvah festivities planned till the early evening so we had lotza time to frolic about, and we sure did. Except for the restaurants and cafes, most shops were not yet open but we did our pre-breakfast asset-moving to select stores we I had to return to. After our delicious and nutrient dense breakfast at the Osceola Street Cafe we began our incredible journey over the river and through the woods. Well, not quite the latter but we trysted on the river boardwalk laden with incredibly picturesque scenery, fiddler crabs, exotic birds, fishermen, giant multi-colored lizards and no journey would be complete without being scared by a large object propelling into the water like a cannonball and then gently floating gracefully…a coconut that fell from a palm tree.
After an hourish of asset-moving through some extraordinary scenery, my brain awakened and I got a few epiphanies including turning my book, Move Your Assets: From the Chair, Not the Bank! into an E-Book…and BAM I did it two days later. (And you can order it here for only $7.99). Back to the point of this story: The beauty, the view, and the letting go, literally fixed me in just a few hours. Of course we I ended up shopping in some really cool stores, like the Joseph Lynn Decor Gallery (pictured below) with a beautiful display of assets climbing walls . Would it surprise you that I already have a few of those climbing the wall in our house?
Of course, we returned early the next morning and frolicked a bit more…
And no stroll is complete without checking out what the locals produce at the weekend market…
I would have to agree with downtown Stuart and his its claim to be the “Happiest Seaside Town”. But don’t take my word for it; you’ll want to check him it out yourself. Next time you head to Boca to visit Aunt Sadie, leave a few hours earlier and plan on spending a few hours frolicking your fine, young assets there. Make sure to bring a blingy little pad and pen to jot down the inspirational insights that will be flooding your brain. Just watch out for those flying coconuts.
“My mission is NOT to make you an Olympic athlete; it is to PREVENT you from being the star of the ‘I’ve fallen and I can’t get up commercial!’ Stick with me so there will be no slow-moving motorized scooters, no grab bars installed by your toilette’, and no deprivation diets ever again… in YOUR future!”—Luv, The Asset Queen
Bethanne Weiss B.S., is an Orlando based motivational speaker, author, and ACE-certified fitness and nutrition profession with 30 years of moving assets from chairs and changing lives. MoveYourAssets.com
Love my AQ wisdom? You can read lots more in my book, Move Your Assets: From the Chair, Not the Bank!